Elbow Up Youth Baseball
Tips, advice, experience, and observations, for parents and coaches, to help get the most out of the youth baseball experience!
28 episodes
You Should Play Multiple Sports
I've long been a proponent of young athletes playing multiple sports. There are so many benefits to learning different skill sets, playing with different teammates, and taking mental and physical breaks from the daily grind.As summer an...

Reflecting on 3 Years of Elbow Up
It's been just over three years since I published the very first Elbow Up newsletter email. In that time there have been more than 300,000 website visitors, 59,000 emails sent, and nearly 180,000 podcast downloads.While I feel like I've ...

Arm Care, Arm Health, and more with China McCarney from Jaeger Sports
🚨 You don’t want to miss this one! In addition to loads of useful information, Jaeger Sports has given me 5 sets of J-Bands along with their Throwing Manual to give away to my listeners! 🚨Parents and Coaches,Today’s message is ...

When Daddy Becomes Youth Baseball GM
Hello parents and coaches!It’s been a few weeks, but I’m back and ready with some great stuff. I shared a Facebook post a couple weeks ago teasing this topic. I had more comments than usual, so I knew it would be 🔥.Th...

Over-Coaching Ruins the Fun Youth Experience
Parents and Coaches,This week I recorded a version of a written article I wrote back in 2019. Not only is it still relevant, it’s something I personally still struggle with and see every single week on every single team.Please ...

Dealing with Umpires in Youth Baseball
Parents and Coaches,This week I’m talking about umpires.Before I jump into it, if you haven’t already subscribed, do so now so you don’t miss any future episodes. It’s free, and I’ll send you an email when I post an article or ...

Part 2: Mike Steele Coaches Cleveland Indians and Son's Youth Team, Talks State of Youth Baseball
Parents and Coaches,In this episode I finished up the Mike Steele interview from last week, and just as in part one - he didn’t disappoint....

Part 1: Mike Steele Coaches Cleveland Indians and Son's Youth Team, Talks State of Youth Baseball
Parents and Coaches,This is one of my favorite episodes so far! It was an hour long, so I split it into two parts. Be sure to subscribe to my free emails so you won’t miss part two!This is definitely one you need to lis...

Protecting Young Arms in Youth Baseball
Every week I write an email and record a podcast discussing how we can make youth baseball better for our kids. If you would like to receive it directly in your inbox, subscribe now. Read this week’s email below, or listen to the audio version...

Coaches are Ruining Young Arms
Help me spread the word and make youth baseball better. Get my newsletter and podcast for free!As we (hopefully) begin to move out of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have an epidemic right here in youth baseball - and it’s worse than ...

A Better Approach to Weekend Tournaments
I’ve spent the last two articles/episodes talking about how weekend tournaments are ruining youth baseball player development.Just to clarify one last time - I didn’t say weekend tournaments are ruining youth baseball - I sai...

More Reasons Weekend Tournaments are Ruining Youth Baseball Player Development
🛑 This is a follow up article and episode to my last post where I explained why weekend tournaments are ruining youth baseball playe...

Weekend Tournaments are Ruining Youth Baseball Player Development
🛑 Before you go any further - this is part one of a two part series. Links for parts two and three are at the end of this!You can click play above to listen 🎧 or scroll down to read 📖 the article below.If ...

Parent-Coach Communication is Critical to Team and Individual Success
What’s up, youth baseball nation!On today’s episode I spend about 20 minutes talking about communication between coaches and parents - communication that’s a two-way street.We had our first team practice of the season ...

One Size Fits All Approach Doesn't Work
While this is a podcast episode, I’ve provided the written form below in case you’d prefer to read. Thanks again for supporting Elbow Up Youth Baseball!I’ve also changed it up a little moving into 2021. This episode is only ...

012: A Good Off-Season is Critical to In-Season Success
Happy New Year!2021 is here, and the Spring baseball season is right around the corner.How have you handled the off-season?Do you have a plan for your son or team for the next couple of months?If not, it’s n...

011: MLB Veteran Shawn Kelley on Youth Baseball Today
All subscribers get my weekly article or podcast delivered directly to their inbox. If you are reading this and aren’t subscribed, what are you waiting for?Shawn Kelley played 11 seasons of Major League Baseball from 2009-2019, ...

010: Maximize Player and Team Development with the Right Team Size
Good evening!As we enter our third week of the off-season, I’m really looking for topics that challenge the way everyone does things. There are so many examples in youth baseball of coaches and parents doing things just because everyone ...

009: Start Planning for the Off-Season and Listener Q&A
My weekly article and podcast will always be free, but if you find value in the work I do, consider becoming a premium subscriber today for the full experie...

008: Team Practices are for Team Activities
Happy Tuesday, and happy Election Day! I will not discuss politics except to say, go vote! And no matter who wins the election, we’ll continue to play youth baseball, and I’ll continue to do Elbow Up!Before I ge...

007: Just Say No to In-Game Mechanics Coaching
My weekly article and podcast will always be free, but if you find value in the work I do, consider becoming a premium subscriber today for the full experie...

006: What Should Your Off-Season Look Like?
Elbow Up is a free weekly newsletter and podcast for youth baseball parents and coaches. I recently launched a premium subscription with a few extra benefits.

005: Q&A from Parents and Coaches
This week’s podcast took a slightly different format. Instead of a specific topic, I answered five questions I’ve received from the Elbow Up community over the past couple of weeks. I’ll do this again next month, so hit reply and send me your ques...